Recovered treasures

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Burial objects

The stone cist graves in Eppan-Gand bear witness to the burial customs. The burials in stone boxes were accidentally discovered in the 1920-30s and largely destroyed. Only a few skeletal remains and grave goods such as flint tools (two arrowheads and a blade scraper) and a rock crystal have survived, while a stone ax has disappeared. The dead were buried individually in stone boxes, pits surrounded by large stone slabs, in the 5th millennium BC. buried.

Roman glas bowl

The Roman glass bowl from the Zinnenberg residence comes from a brick slab grave in Eppan-Berg. The urn was covered with large batten tiles, which sometimes bear a factory stamp.


At the Putzer Gschleier, house floor plans in dry stone construction with coal fire layers were observed, in which the bronze vessels were found. It consists of a heavily fragmented large Husby-type bronze cauldron with four iron rings, a bronze sheet situla on display and the figuratively decorated ribbed cistern.

Didactic Material

Ceramic fragments

The archaeological finds are mainly made up of fragments of pottery, which can be assigned to the different phases of the Bronze Age due to their shape and characteristic features.

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Discovery place Jobenbühel Montiggl Forest

Lavason Stone

lt is an old Austrian landmark that formerly marked the borders between the communities of Eppan and Kaltern, as indicateci by the engraved inscriptions "N.5+" and the year 1763.

Discovery place Gand / Ganda

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Discovery place Putzer Gschleier St. Pauls / San Paolo

Silex daggers

Copper daggers were imitated in silex due to the rarity of the metal, as shown by the two silex daggers from Kaltern and that from Eppan-Gand.

Discovery place Maderneid / Maderneto

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Discovery place Im Siechen St. Pauls / San Paolo

Winged Axe and Spearhead

During the Bronze Age, the metal copper was made harder by adding 10 percent tin. Typical leading forms of the Bronze Age are lobed axes (Eppan-Gand) and lance tips (Stroblhof).

Logboat of Montiggl

This logboat was dated to the 13th century (Late Middle Ages).

Recovered Treasures

The permanent archaeological exhibition in the vaulted hall of the historic Lanserhaus offers an overview of the settlement history from the Stone Age to the Middle Ages and shows original finds from Neolithic arrowheads to crossbow bolts from the age of knights.

Discovery place „Meraner“ House St. Michael / San Michele

Discovery place Putzer Gschleier St. Pauls / San Paolo

Discovery place Fuchsberg Missian / Missiano

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Tuesday 10-12 am and 3-5 pm Wednesday and Thursday 10-12 am Special opening times for groups with prior reservation. Free entry.

Iron tools

High quality bronze vessels have also been discovered: a figurai decorateci rib cist, a situla and a kettle. lron tools, such as hatchets, stakes, sickles, and wheel hubs are particularly numerous. The range of discoveries also includes iron keys, decorated brooches, ceramics and a bronze torque necklace.

Discovery place „Im Siechen“ St. Pauls / San Paolo


In the 1st century AD, the „Via Claudia Augusta“ was built over the Reschenpass/Resia Pass, during the time of the Emperor Claudius. As citizens of the Roman Empire, the locai Raetians increasingly adopted Roman customs and traditions. Notable evidence of this is the tombstone of OSSUPIE from Maderneid (1st century BC/AD). The Latin writing on the stone is written in the Raetian tradition, from righi to left.

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Discovery place Fuchsberg Missian / Missiano

Belt plate and hook

The bronze belt set from the Lindenheim residence could be traced back to a Longobard male grave from the 7th century.

Bronze horse brooch

The finding of the House of Meran in St. Michael, the ancient Rubenicum, proves that in the early Middle Ages not only remote fortified castles were settled, but also the first settlement cores, presumably on Roman substrate. Not only did a little horse fibula come from here, but also ceramics and baked smelting clay, which indicate an almost complete settlement of the center of St. Michael from the 4th century to the present day.

Discovery place Gand / Ganda

Discovery place Montiggl Lakes

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Exposition brochure

Discovery place Jobenbühel Montiggl Forest

Discovery place Gand / Ganda

Discovery place Putzer Gschleier St. Pauls / San Paolo

Discovery place Maderneid / Maderneto

Discovery place Im Siechen St. Pauls / San Paolo

Discovery place „Meraner“ House St. Michael / San Michele

Discovery place Putzer Gschleier St. Pauls / San Paolo

Discovery place Fuchsberg Missian / Missiano

Discovery place „Im Siechen“ St. Pauls / San Paolo

Discovery place Fuchsberg Missian / Missiano

Discovery place Gand / Ganda

Discovery place Montiggl Lakes